What help do we need to continue our activity?

1. First of all we need a portable UT - scanner with a probe for belly(a convex or a line one on 3,5 mgc) and for thyroid gland (on 7,5 mgc). It might also have an intercorporal probe. We may use a second -hand equipment if it's in working conditions with all the necessary technical documents. Among known versions of portable scanners (10-20 kg) we may note ALOKA SSD -500, Hitachi - EUB -406, Toshiba - SAL 32B. We might examine country -site women and children with such a scanner. For solving these questions you are welcome to tell us electronic addresses of organizations, such as: hospitals, ambulance stations, medical equipment service centers, communities of children doctors programms like "Russkoye Radio"or "Russkoe TV". We also need addresses of "contact" persons - those who could help "CCD". If a second hand portable scanner is not available, a semi-stationary Aloka-SSD-630 scanner with a sensor(probe) set would do.

2. We need also 2 thermoprinters for getting "Hard copies" of pathology found at the result of CCD. It can also be of second hand -type. The size of these thermoprinters is about 110mm. We have only Polaroid's in our UT apparatus. We make Polaroid "hard copies", but it costs much for our supporters (sponsors) (1 photo - 0,941 USD)

3. We are also in need of some resources of thermopaper (size "110mm) for 3-4 thousand copies

4. We look for partner organizations abroad for Omsk "CCD". Information about organizations and programms that can be helpful is also suitable.

5. We need different kind of information:
* Information about similar non-governmental and governmental programs for socially unprotected children and women and the youth would be warmly appreciated. There might be programms of business trips for getting acquaintance with other experience
* information about firm representatives -producers of UT scanners and sensors and thermoprinters for medical equipment. There might be places and organizations where old or not used scanners and sensors are gathered.
* information about Fonds which directly or indirectly may help to financial "support of UT examinations and consultations held by "CCD" for Omsk children and women from socially non protected groups.
* information about Fonds, organizations and persons who could help "CCD" with time resources for work in Internet and sending electronic correspondence.

Limited of money we may communicate only - through electronic mail. Telephones and faxes are also suitable but if paid by our partners (the other side). If you have no opportunity to send your whole message for CCD in Russian - you may do it in English but include some main information in Russian (about 3 lines).

For example "We have UT - apparatus of Aloka SSD -500 type with a convex probe on 3,5 mg, (1995) and a thermoprinter on 110,0 mm, model made 1993.

E-mail: aksenovvv@ccd.omsk.su, bogdanovitsch@other.omsu.omskreg.ru
Mirror: http://www.ic.omskreg.ru/~ccd. Phone/fax: (7-381-2) 65-79-53