Results of disease prevention measures for socially unprotected children and women of Omsk |
Budgets and articles of expenditures for 1997 and 1998 Techniques of tests and consultations for children and women Recommendations for work with fund providers |
"CCD" has got charitably two U-T apparatus from sponsors in Finland (they can cost now approximately 8.000-10.000 USD) University hospital at Kuopio - town (Finland), that gave 2 apparatus for UT charitably. The equipment is at St/Peterburg railway Station before sending to Omsk. UT apparatus are very good but very heavy. Their weight is 80, 150 kg. We need a special equipment for transporting these apparatus (a lorry) and 4 workers. So these problems prevent us from UT diagnostics in remote regions (because of the poor roads). The equipment is very good but rather heavy (80 a 150 kg.). We can use this equipment only in the city where roads permit. We've organized a group of experienced personnel and have found 20 sponsors with their help of about 18146 USD. Using these means "CCD" has carried 2146 charitable Ultrasonic diagnostics and 627 consultations by children specialists for 1901 children including children invalids "problem" children, children from nonprotected (socially) groups of society in Omsk (directly in 2 centers of social Help, 3 orphanages, 2 boarding schools, 2 schools). For results click here. "CCD" has got charitably 68040,47 rubles from seven Omsk's sponsors during the 1999 year (including September), it amounts 2465,23 dollars of USA. 769 charitable ultrasonic examinations were realized by "CCD" with the help of these cash assets for social orphans and children from poor parts of population (in the children's homes ##1, 2, 3, children's home #4 Omsk's center of social help "PENATI", boarding school #4). At the same place 336 ultrasonic examinations of thyroid gland were realized for 305 women, for teachers, for medical workers. 1371 ultrasonic examinations and consultations were conducted by "CCD" in 1999 year for 1049 Omsk's children and women. For results click here. "CCD" has realized their own programs from the 16 of May 1997 to the present time. According to findings of "CCD", which are based on the results of 2912 ultrasonic examinations and 893 consultations for 2645 children and 637 ultrasonic examinations and 15 consultations for 558 women, we can draw a conclusion that every 3th - 4 th child or every 3 th - 5 th women are nead of medical treatment and after checkup. "CCD" have all documents which confirm charitable - sanitary actions. The most important moments are the following: 1. On the average every third child after the UT has some changes in a liver, a gall bladder, a pancreas and a spleen. The percentage of such changes among pupils of children's houses and families with one parent or "problem" families is higher. To a lesser degree but still relatively high is the percentage in boarding schools or in families with economic problems. The number of health problems of school children from "gymnasia" - type schools is rather low (20% lower). 2. On the average changes in kidneys after the UTs are detected for every twelfth child. The highest percentage is in some groups of kids whose parents live in hostels or in "problem" and low-income families. As a rule pupils of boarding schools and children's houses have better results. Every child with revealed kidney problems should undergo additional tests and be treated properly. The trend is enhanced also after consultations by urologists. 3. During consultations by children's gastrointerologists in terms of locating ailments of the digestive system, kids from children's houses and families with a single parent or "problem" families or families with low income show worse results and are more often sent to children's hospitals (the only exception - kids from children's houses who as a rule have highly skilled doctors and day-to-day medical care opportunities at their disposal) as compared to kids from boarding schools. The latter have also larger percentage of cases with initial stages of the ailments. The least number of these diseases is found while examining schoolchildren from "gymnazia" - type schools. The stone of 7 mm in the gall bladder (see pointer) if the 13 years old girl. It's exposed by U- test at the secondary school. The family is emegrated from Kazakhstan. U-test has never led before the "CCD" 4. After consultations children by urologist has found more kidneys diseases of children from hostels, orphanages and also of other children (from "gymnazia" - type schools and from families with economic problems). We have found kidneys removed more often when children went in for dances or when they were intensively growing. Also some cases of "hard" pathology were revealed (lack or underdeveloping of one of kidneys, hydronephrose). As a whole we may say, that kidneys diseases are revealed in all social groups of children and in 90-95% of cases the diseases are found by "CCD" for the first time. Besides, in the majority of cases kidneys pathology develops not openly - when a healthy kidney works 2 times harder but kidney with pathology continues to be ruined. Native undevelopment of right kidney of the 6-year old girl. The family with many children. U-test of older sister is normal. The kidney of this girl have not beem definite. The contrast investigation of the kidney has made at the hospital. The left kidney is enlarged (at the picture - a single arrow). The right kidney is only 1/6 of the size with the ureter shifted to the pelvis minor (at the picture - double arrow). Before the CCD there had been no UT carried out. 5. Generally speaking after having been consulted by children urologist and gastrointerologist every sixth child is sent to children hospital to be cured and properly examined. Every 8th child has got treatment of ambulance - type. In whole every 4th child has got prescription for further treatment or move complete examination. 6. Our specialists, which consult kidneys a stomach diseases work at the largest Omsk hospital (It's their base work). There they examine and treat children, which were sent to hospital by "CCD". Today we still have opportunity to cure, examine and feed children at hospitals - it's financed by the state. 7. Ambulance treatment and proper diet for children in social institutions is not quite ideal but it also still exists. 8. Changes of thyroid gland were revealed at every 13th child Factually in the majority of cases there were already some symptoms before UT. 9. UT of heart must be held only with a consultation of a children specialist of heart diseases (before and after UT) and electrocardiogram in a complex way. 10. Every third woman in the stuff of children's institutions after UTs of abdomen and thyroid gland showed at least some changes in a gall bladder, kidneys and a thyroid gland (cystic calculi, renal cysts, kidney nephroptosis, knots, cysts and enlargements) with considerable pathology initially revealed in every 8th woman. |
Techniques of tests and consultations for children and women |
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