Results of disease prevention measures for socially unprotected children and women of Omsk

Results of the charitable children diagnostics of the less protected social group of people. Omsk 16.05.97 -- 29.12.98

Ultrasonic changes of liver, of the gall-bladder, of pancreas, of spleen
Ultrasonic changes of kidney
Ultrasonic changes of thyroid gland
The percent ultrasonic changes of hip's joints

The centres of social help "Penaty", "Ryabinushka" The most percentage of the children of small flats Children houses ¹¹ 1, 4, 10
302 U-tests
of abnormal cavity
  398 U-tests
of abnormal cavity
35,75% 8,2%
38% 9,8%
37% 4,1%

Bearing schools
¹¹ 3, 7
¹ 139
School ¹ 18
293 U-tests
of abnormal cavity
304 U-tests
of abnormal cavity
348 U-tests
of abnormal cavity
28,4% 4,77%
12,7% 8,8%
28,7% 9,86%

Combined facts (1901 children)
1853 U-tests
of abnormal cavity
209 U-tests
of tyroid gland
81 U-tests
of heart
33% 8,53%

3 U-tests of urine bladder (the changes is not exposed)

827 children have been consulted by children's specialists after ultrasonic examinations.

295 (15,52% of 1901) childred are directed to the stationary hospitals. 222 children (11,68% of 1901) are directed to the ambulatory cure.

Besides "Chertible children's diagnostics" inspected 253 adults (teachers&tutors, as less protected social groups of people): 301 U-test of abdominal cavity and thyroid gland 15 consultations. There are a lot of deaseases (stones[rocks] in the gall bladder, kidneys, doublement or omisses of kidneys, the increase of the thydroidgland&soon). It's forms 20,3%.

Mirror: Òåë/ôàêñ: (7-381-2) 65-79-53