Results of disease prevention measures for socially unprotected children and women of Omsk |
Budgets and articles of expenditures for 1997 and 1998 Techniques of tests and consultations for children and women Recommendations for work with fund providers |
Results of the charitable children diagnostics of the less protected social group of people. Omsk 16.05.97 -- 29.12.98 Ultrasonic changes of liver, of the gall-bladder, of pancreas, of spleenUltrasonic changes of kidney Ultrasonic changes of thyroid gland The percent ultrasonic changes of hip's joints
3 U-tests of urine bladder (the changes is not exposed) 827 children have been consulted by children's specialists after ultrasonic examinations. 295 (15,52% of 1901) childred are directed to the stationary hospitals. 222 children (11,68% of 1901) are directed to the ambulatory cure. Besides "Chertible children's diagnostics" inspected 253 adults (teachers&tutors, as less protected social groups of people): 301 U-test of abdominal cavity and thyroid gland 15 consultations. There are a lot of deaseases (stones[rocks] in the gall bladder, kidneys, doublement or omisses of kidneys, the increase of the thydroidgland&soon). It's forms 20,3%. |
Techniques of tests and consultations for children and women |
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