The "CCD" in 1999. |
Budgets and articles of expenditures for 1997 and 1998 Techniques of tests and consultations for children and women Recommendations for work with fund providers |
In 1999 ultrasonic examinations and consultations for children and women from Omsk were planned by "CCD" in four children's homes, in the center of social "PENATI", in the boarding school and, maybe, in the secondary school. Thanks to a gratuitous help of a constant group of Omsk sponsors "CCD" could continuous charitable medical programs for socially defensible children and women from poor social groups of Omsk in 1999. In the first of 1999 year charitable sanitary actions were conducted in the Omsk children's homes. ## 1, 2, 3 for pupils (orphans and abandoned children, women the teachers of theirs and children of these women. See the sample at the picture. 427 ultrasonic examinations and consultations were conducted. We found ultrasonic examination changes of digestive's organs in 42,08% of children-pupils and 7,1% ultrasonic examination changes of kidney of the same children. After consultations of children's gastrointerologist and urologist 8,2% from all orphans were sent to hospitalization and ambulance treatment was prescribed to the 27,32% from all children. The delay of the ossification of the hip's joints was found at 6 children at the time of 15 ultrasonic examinations. These children are a poor in health, but they get much of professional care in children's homes. Pediatrists are the heads of children's homes, and it is the main factor of the propre attitude to the children! Children have childhood in the children's homes. Ultrasonic examination changes of the digestive's organs was found in 26,7% from the employee's children and ultrasonic examination changes of kidneys in 6,7% was found too. Only 3 children with parents have changes of come to the consultation of children's gastrointerologist and all of them have been sent to the hospitalization. The increasing of the thyroid gland was found at 1 child (first) at the time of 15 ultrasonic examinations. The considerable pathology was revealed in 36,1% of employees, that is every third women. Many of them have never led ultrasonic examinations and there never found considerable pathology. "CCD" has beneficially ultrasonic examined and consulted the 156 children, which have rested in sanitary camp "PENATI" in June, July and August. 31,41% of these children from unsafe families, incomplete families, families with many children have ultrasonic changes of digestive's organs and 5,77% from these children have ultrasonic changes of kidneys. After 54 consultations of children's gastrointerologist and urologist 15,38% from all children were sent to the hospitalization and ambulance treatment was prescribed to 9,62% of children. At the same place 23 ultrasonic examinations of abdomen with kidneys or ultrasonic examinations of thyroid gland were realized for socially defensible women. Summary facts about working in "PENATI" you can see here. In the September of 1999 year charitable sanitary actions were conducted by "CCD" for the "social orphans, teache"rs of theirs and children of these women in the children's home # 4 in Krutaya Gorka. The first ultrasonic examinations and consultations were conducted by "CCD" 50 km outside Omsk in children's home # 4. Therefore doctors and other executors of "CCD" worked during the rest-days and during the days before rest-days. You can see results at the picture. 420 ultrasonic examinations and consultations were conducted in general.105 ultrasonic examinations of digestive's organs and kidney were conducted by us and we had found ultrasonic changes of digestive's organs in 40,0% of children-pupils and 12,38% ultrasonic changes of kidney of the same children. After consultations of children's gastrointerologist and urologist 8,57% from all abandoned children were sent to hospitalization and ambulance treatment and was prescribed to the 22,86% from all children. The delay of the ossification of the upper bone edge of the head of the femur socket was found at 1 child at the time of 8 ultrasonic examinations and also the dislocation of the hip head to the right was found at one girl. The children from the children's home # 4 are the poorest in health, but they get much of professional care in children's home. Pediatrist is the head of children's home, and it is the main factor of the propre attitude to the children. Ultrasonic changes of the digestive's organs were found in 45,71% from the employee's children and ultrasonic changes of kidneys in 3,81% were found too. 44 children with mothers have come to the consultation of children's gastrointerologist and to the children's urologist. 30 of children or 28,57% of them have been sent to the hospitalization and the ambulance treatment and control was prescribed to the 14 children (13,33%). The increasing of the thyroid gland wasn't found at the time of 7 ultrasonic examinations. The considerable pathology was revealed in 32,08% from the 106 of examined employees, that is every third women. The important pathology was found of 12,26% from all examined women for the first time, it is every eighth women. According to the "CCD" first experience of work in Omsk, we can draw a careful conclusions that sickness of the children and women from socially defensible parts of society will be discovered much. Probably, some of negative factors are summarizing in Krutaya Gorka: economic efforts (it is the depressed village with strongly pronounced unemployment); low-calories food and malnutrition (all population of these village catch not only river fish, but lacustrine fish too); many of people drink hard; the payment medicine is the inaccessibility for the most part of population; the deficient level of medical service. There is no and not to plane the own ultrasonic apparatus for 5 - 6 thous and of village people. "CCD" has beneficially ultrasonic examined and consulted the 157 children, which have rested in sanitary camp boarding school #4 in December 1999. At the same place 83 ultrasonic examinations of abdomen with kidneys or ultrasonic examinations of thyroid gland were realized for 85 socially defensible women. You can see results at the picture. "CCD" has got charitably 68040,47 rubles from seven Omsk's sponsors during the 1999 year (including September), it amounts 2465,23 dollars of USA. 769 charitable ultrasonic examinations were realized by "CCD" with the help of these cash assets for social orphans and children from poor parts of population (in the children's homes ##1, 2, 3, children's home #4 Omsk's center of social help "PENATI", boarding school #4). At the same place 336 ultrasonic examinations of thyroid gland were realized for 305 women, for teachers, for medical workers. 1371 ultrasonic examinations and consultations were conducted by "CCD" in 1999 year for 1049 Omsk's children and women. For results click here. "CCD" has realized their own programs from the 16 of May 1997 to the present time. According to findings of "CCD", which are based on the results of 2912 ultrasonic examinations and 893 consultations for 2645 children and 637 ultrasonic examinations and 15 consultations for 558 women, we can draw a conclusion that every 3th - 4 th child or every 3 th - 5 th women are nead of medical treatment and after checkup. "CCD" have all documents which confirm charitable - sanitary actions. |
Techniques of tests and consultations for children and women |
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